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The Full Story

About Us

Volunteering is nothing new.  People all over the world volunteer everyday in a great number of ways. They donate time and resources to those in need or to organizations that mission to help others and improve situations. Some people quietly perform acts of kindness and others choose to announce their good deeds. The aim of this blog is not to "announce" our acts of volunteering or kindness, but rather to show how two busy women have hurdled busy schedules to give back! Within our blog, we will explain how we obtained the opportunity to volunteer as well as links and contact information.  We would love to hear that in some way we have inspired others to give back too! 


So who are the Give Back Girls? Michelle is a kindergarten teacher and Arlene is an oncology nurse. We are great friends that enjoy trying new adventures and have been talking for over a year about doing something together that gives back to others. Why all the talk and no action?  Time of course!!  The thought of making a commitment was daunting to say the least. We finally decided that we would volunteer once per month and commit to "a year of volunteer". We hope to meet other volunteers in person and within our online community. We look forward to learning creative ways to give back as our followers share their experiences. To learn more about each of us you can click on our picture.  

Arlene in chair light smile.jpg


Identify opportunities to share time and resources

that benefit others when time is limited. 

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 Inspire others through our shared experiences while

reaping the harvest of giving back:

joy, humility, fulfillment, friendships, and memories ​

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Give Back Girls Logo

Meet the Girls

To learn more about each of us, click on our pictures

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